University of North Carolina built by slaves

University of North Carolina

To build its campus in the late 1700s, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill used the forced labor of hundreds of enslaved people. Now, a descendant of some of those slaves is calling on the university to make a move toward equality by paying for the education of all such descendants.

“The university sold people in order to help fund the university, and then to actually help build the buildings of the university, the university rented enslaved people from nearby plantations.” Join the conversation!

The Reparation Hub (formely Reparation Hub Inc.) is a not-for-profit association. We offer a new web-based platform which connects the descendants of African enslaved persons with donors and people of good will for the purpose of righting a wrong via our reparation sponsorship program. If you know someone who has received reparations for slavery elsewhere please let us know.