For businesses, institutions & individuals interested in becoming a sponsor (issuing a reparation payment)

How does it all work ?

See how it works.

Will I be charged anything up front ?

You will not be charged anything upfront. The entire reparation process is automated and you will only be asked to submit a payment after you decide to sponsor a person or family.

Tell me more about the reparation sponsorship program.

The reparation sponsorship program was not only designed to repay the descendants of African enslaved persons. The program was also designed to end black poverty and strengthen suffering economies. LEARN MORE.

I don't have $160,000 to donate. Can I still help ?

Absolutely! A donation of any amount will help us keep the door open. In other words, your donation will help pay for marketing initiatives, administrative fees and creating more educational material for our audience. MAKE A DONATION HERE.

Is the reparation hub a charitable organization which issues tax deductible receipts ?

The Reparation Hub (formly Reparation Hub Inc) is an unincorporated not-for-profit association. Because we are unincorporated, we are unable to issue tax deductible receipts. I’m sure you will agree that our objectives are that of a charity and a great cause. We are looking to partner with socially responsible businesses and individuals in our quest for financial justice on behalf of the relatives of African enslaved persons, an oppressed people fighting for equality daily. Rest assured, financial transparency will be made available to the public on this website.

Which country should I spend reparation dollars on?

History tells us that Africans in the diaspora of West African descent are of the same ancestry and that slavery took place all over North and South America. In actuality, black people of West African descent all over the globe are owed money because we all come from the same bloodline of slaves. For example, the DNA results of Reparation Hub founder (a person of African descent) revealed that she has 3rd, 4th and 5th cousins in Canada, the Caribbean, USA, Cuba, Colombia and many more nations. Keep in mind that as a sponsor, you have the ability to search our database of sponsorees by location, and so if you prefer to sponsor someone in a specific country/city, feel free to do so.

Can i get sued for more reparation if I agree to participate ?

No. In fact, anyone who agrees to receive a reparation payment via the Reparation Hub is required to sign a document that protects businesses, institutions and people from any and all lawsuits related to financial reparation as a result of slavery. In a nutshell the document states that the reparation sponsorship recipient has been paid back in full (financially) for the wrongs committed at the hands of slave masters to their ancestors.

Why should I pay reparation if myself or my business has not directly benefited from free slave labor ?

Picture western nations as a big, fat juicy steak you’ve been eating and getting a charge out of for quite a while for nothing out of pocket. Now picture black folk toiling over fire, and then serving you and your descendants that big, juicy steak on a silver platter every day for hundreds of years, except not getting paid for their work. Dear visitor, history confirms that slave labor alongside oppression of the descendants of African enslaved persons laid the foundation for financial success in North America and several European nations. Tied to slavery or not, fact is, non-black individuals residing in western nations are unquestionably the beneficiaries of the fruit of slave labor. We hope that you are now able to perceive how it makes sense to right the wrong of black oppression and slavery of which the majority of non-black individuals so greatly benefited and continue to benefit. A reparation payment will foot the bill for the steak you’ve been eating and very much enjoying free of charge. LEARN MORE.

Far as I'm concerned black people are lazy and put themselves in poverty.

If your great-great-great-grandmother was oppressed and not paid for her work, then she would have nothing of material value to pass down to her children, and if her children fell victim to oppression they too would have nothing to pass down to their kids, and if the cycle of oppression repeats itself over and over again, black people in this day and age would have nothing much of material worth – which they don’t.  Due to generational oppression of the relatives of African enslaved persons, the majority of black people today are broke don’t own much of anything. We as a society are responsible for fixing the wealth gap between black and non-black people. It is the right thing to do. It is the moral thing to do. It is the human thing to do. Learn more —–> Black slavery facts. Trans-atlantic slave trade tour.

Must I reveal my identity should I decide to participate ?

You may remain anonymous. Simply, check off the anonymous box during the registration process.

What's in it for me ?

Reparation sponsorship program benefits.

What if the person I decide to sponsor blows the money ?

The question of what black people will do with their reparation money should have no bearing on the decision to award financial compensation for loss or injuries suffered. Dictating what they can and cannot do with funds duly awarded to them as an act of reparatory justice for the enslavement of our African ancestors we feel is inappropriate. That being said, reparation sponsorship recipients are required to complete an extensive money management course. They will then be introduced to a professional financial coach who will be right there to guide them in their career goals.

Where can I find the reparation sponsorship certificate ?

Login to your account. At the bottom of the page you will notice “My Documents”.  A reparation sponsorship certificate will appear in My Documents for every invidivual that you sponsor. Simply click and download or print.

How will I know for certain that the reparation sponsorship recipient received the money ?

Reparation sponsorship recipients (including their photo) will be announced not only on this website, but in social media, press releases and newsletters.

General questions

Why aren't the pages loading properly ?

Please clear your cache and reload the page or use Incognito window on chrome.

How long have you been in business ?

The Reparation Hub Inc. was incoroporated in September 2020. We launched online in March 2021.

I'd like information on investing in and/or relocating to Africa.

More information.

Google chrome has issued a data breach warning.

Try logging into your Reparation Hub account and creating a stronger passcode.

I'm having problems signing up for a membership from my cellular phone.

In the event that you are unable to create an account using your mobile phone, please use a laptop or desktop computer to sign up for a membership.

For individuals interested in becoming a sponsoree (receiving a reparation payment)

How come you don't service black people all over the world ?

We are well aware of African diaspora populations around the world. We are currently testing the reparation sponsorship program in English speaking nations. If all goes well, we will expand the program into French, Portuguese and Spanish speaking African diaspora nations.

Is this service free ?

Yes, it is.

How does a person qualify for a reparation payment ?

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Must complete a money management course
  • Must not have any outstanding warrants for a serious crime under the criminal code
  • 65% + DNA Sub-Saharan African, or 50%+ DNA Sub Saharan African combined with 15% + DNA Native American no exceptions
  • Must reside in one of the following countries: Canada America Bahamas Jamaica Dominican Republic St. Kitts and Nevis Antigua & Barbuda Dominica St. Lucia Barbados St. Vincent & the Grenadines Grenada Trinidad & Tobago Cayman Islands Australia Ireland New Zealand United Kingdom

How much reparation will I receive ?

$160, 000.00 per person of African origin. In the event that the reparation sponsor decides to sponsor your entire family, the per person dollar figure will be less. For example, the reparation fee to sponsor a family of 3 would be $300,000.00 which works out to $100,000.00 per person. Reparation fee chart.

Blacks in America experienced slavery. Why do you offer reparations to non-american blacks ?

Perhaps our interactive African diaspora tour will help shed light on black slavery in the western hemisphere.

Tell me more about the reparation sponsorship program.

The reparation sponsorship program was not only designed to repay the descendants of African enslaved persons. The program was also designed to end black poverty and strengthen suffering economies. LEARN MORE.

How does it all work ?

See reparation program details.

When should I do the DNA test ?

In the event that you are selected for reparation sponsorship we cover the associated DNA test cost. Expect one of our friendly staff members to meet with you and perform the 23 and me DNA test at a time/date convenient for you.

Do I have to include a picture with my profile ad?

It’s no secret that photo ads get more attention. Also, keep in mind that your sponsorship ad will not be visible to sponsors unless all of the fields are filled in including the image field. If you don’t have a photo of yourself right now, upload a photo placeholder.

How long does it take to get sponsored ?

The more companies/institutions that participate in our reparation sponsorship program the better your chances are of getting sponsored. That said, the Reparation Hub does not guarantee sponsorship in any way, shape or fashion.

How old do I have to be to sign up for reparation ?

18 years of age and up.

Can I ask for more reparation ?

No. In fact, anyone who agrees to receive a reparation payment via the Reparation Hub is required to sign documentation stating that they have been paid back in full  for black slavery and oppression.

What's a featured ad ?

Featured profile ads provide more visibility and may be obtained for a monthly  donation of $2.

I'm obviously black why do I need to do a DNA test if i'm selected for sponsorship ?

Just because a person has black skin, doesn’t mean the individual in question possess Sub-Saharan African blood. Here we learn the reason why a DNA test is required.

Why does 15% or higher Native American DNA combined with 50% or higher sub-Saharan African DNA qualify ?

The magic DNA number is 65%. Suppose your DNA results are not 65% or more African. In this case, you will still meet the blood requirement so long as 15% or more Native American DNA is accompanied by at least 50% African DNA. Our Aboriginal brothers and sisters were co-slaves with our African ancestors during the 1800s. The 15% + requirement represents our acknowledgment of this fact.

Tell me about the money management course.

The money management course was created by National Endowment for Financial Education. The study material covers Spending & Saving, Credit & Debt and Investing. A total of 4 worksheets must be completed and submitted for our review. There are 3 timed quizzes consisting of 50 questions in total. A passing grade of 70% or higher is required. We provide you with one full week to study the material online and complete the quizzes.

Why do I have to take a money management course?

Our goal at the Reparation Hub is not only to provide financial justice to the descendants of African enslaved persons but to end black poverty. The majority of black people, due to oppression and inequality, have been in survival mode the better part of their lives and haven’t been given a fair chance to make money never mind management money.  The money management course is in place to help black folks get and stay out of poverty.

Can the money management course be done from home ?

So long as you have an internet connection and a computer, the money management course may be completed from anywhere in the world.

What kinds of business opportunities are available for individuals selected for sponsorship ?

Mainly, but not exclusive to, franchising opportunities in various industries.

Why is an African financial coach involved in the program ?

Research tells us that over ten million Chinese people do business in Africa along with a handful of fortune 500 companies, why? Because Africa is a developing continent vast in natural resources offering tremendous freedom to make money. We want reparation sponsorship recipients to be aware of their financial opportunities in the Homeland learning their roots along the way. Along with investing dollars and cents in Africa, watch this video to learn how everyday people can help alleviate poverty on the continent of Africa.