wofford college slavery ties

Wofford College

Wofford College professor James H. Carlisle’s purchase of a 56-year-old slave woman named Nancy. He bought her for $175 in 1857. It isn’t known why Carlisle made the purchase, but the curators think she was probably a house servant.
Other items relating to slavery include an advertisement for a Charleston slave sale in 1852 and a listing of slaves from the Spring Garden plantation in Florida from 1829.

“The most interesting thing, to me, in the exhibit is the journal of the slave trader,” said Philip N. Racine, Wofford professor emeritus of history. “I have not run across anything like that in any of the archives I have found for Spartanburg County.“ Join the conversation!

university of chicago slavery ties

University of Chicago

The University of Chicago remains mired in the stance toward its origins in slavery that it has held since its founding in 1856: embarrassed denial.

The administration’s secret, unilateral decision to remove two Douglas monuments from public view (something that students, faculty, and community organizations had never publicly demanded or been consulted about) can only be read as an attempt to erase, rather than contend with, its ties to slavery.  Join the conversation!

University of North Carolina built by slaves

University of North Carolina

To build its campus in the late 1700s, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill used the forced labor of hundreds of enslaved people. Now, a descendant of some of those slaves is calling on the university to make a move toward equality by paying for the education of all such descendants.

“The university sold people in order to help fund the university, and then to actually help build the buildings of the university, the university rented enslaved people from nearby plantations.” Join the conversation!

The Emory University slavery ties

The Emory University

The underpinnings of “Slavery and the University” are Emory’s own historical ties to slavery, established when the college was founded in Oxford, Georgia in 1836. One of the organizers of the conference and the community research fellow at TCP, Melissa Sexton, concedes that “history has shown that a lot of the people in and around Oxford College were slaveholders and it looks like some of the buildings were built by slave labor.” Join the conversation!

university of alabama slavery ties

University of Alabama

The University of Alabama apologized Tuesday to the descendants of slaves who were owned by faculty members or who worked on campus in the years before the Civil War.

Two university presidents and some faculty members owned slaves during the years before the Civil War, Brophy found, and several of the oldest structures on campus contain bricks made by slaves. Join the conversation!

University of Georgia and slavery

University of Georgia

Critics say the University of Georgia mishandled the discovery of the remains of several dozen African Americans near its Baldwin Hall in late 2015 by inadequately engaging faculty and community leaders in researching and exhuming the remains. They want the university to issue some form of reparations to the descendants of those enslaved workers. They also say UGA is not doing enough to recruit black students from the Athens area. Join the conversation!

mount st mary university slavery ties

Mount St. Mary’s University

Slavery was interwoven with the landscape of southern Maryland, where more than half of the population was African- American on the eve of the Civil War. From the middle of the 18th century up until the Civil War, the land where St. Mary’s College sits was a plantation, cultivated with slave labor. The quarters, then, were most likely inhabited by enslaved people. Join the conversation!

south carolina university and slavery

University of South Carolina

South Carolina College, forerunner to the University of South Carolina, owned a number of slaves and hired countless others between 1801 and 1865. Enslaved people made significant contributions to the construction and maintenance of college buildings and to daily life on campus. Join the conversation!

did king's college own slaves

King’s College

A substantial amount of wealth derived from slavery in the Caribbean underpinned the foundation of King’s College London in 1829. Should King’s follow the example of the University of Glasgow, which in August 2019 announced it would commit 20 million pounds to reparations? What are the arguments for reparations? In what creative ways might King’s meet this challenge and acknowledge its debts to the Caribbean, Africa and the African diaspora? Join the conversation!

hamilton college slavery ties

Hamilton College

Hamilton’s position on slavery is more complex than his biographers’ suggest. Hamilton was not an advocate of slavery, but when the issue of slavery came into conflict with his personal ambitions, his belief in property rights, or his belief of what would promote America’s interests, Hamilton chose those goals over opposing slaveryHamilton’s involvement in the selling of slaves suggests that his position against slavery was not absolute.

Besides marrying into a slaveholding family, Hamilton conducted transactions for the purchase and transfer of slaves on behalf of his in-laws and as part of his assignment in the Continental Army. In 1777, before he married Elizabeth, he had written a formal letter to Colonel Elias Dayton, relaying Washington’s request that Dayton return a “Negro lately taken by a party of militia belonging to Mr. Caleb Wheeler. Join the conversation!

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The Reparation Hub (formely Reparation Hub Inc.) is a not-for-profit association. We offer a new web-based platform which connects the descendants of African enslaved persons with donors and people of good will for the purpose of righting a wrong via our reparation sponsorship program. If you know someone who has received reparations for slavery elsewhere please let us know.