Brooks brothers slavery

Brooks Brothers

The suit retailer started their company in the 1800s by selling clothes for slaves to slave traders. Join the conversation!

usa today slavery ties

usa today

Today U.S.A. Today reported that its parent company (E.W. Scripps and Gannett) was linked to the slave trade. Join the conversation!

big businesses tied to slavery


(American International Group) AIG purchased American General Financial which owns U.S. Life Insurance Company. AIG found documentation that U.S. Life insured the lives of slaves. Join the conversation!

insurance companies linked to slavery


Aetna insured the lives of slaves during the 1850’s and reimbursed slave owners when their slaves died. Join the conversation!

Railways tied to slavery

Norfolk Southern Rail Road

Norfolk Southern Rail RoadTwo companies (Mobile & Girard and the Central of Georgia) became part of Norfolk Southern. Mobile & Girard paid slave owners $180 to rent their slaves to the railroad for a year. Join the conversation!

slaves owned by central of georgia

The Central of Georgia

The Central of Georgia owned several slaves. Join the conversation!

banks and slavery

Bank of America

Bank of America  predecessor banks (Boatman Savings Institution & Southern Bank of St. Louis) had ties to slavery and another predecessor accepted slaves as collateral on loans. Join the conversation!

new york life linked to slavery

new york life

New York Life found that its predecessor (Nautilus Insurance Company) sold slave holder policies during the mid-1800s. Join the conversation!

Tiffany & Co transatlantic slave trade

Tiffany and Co.

Tiffany and Co. was originally financed with profits from a Connecticut cotton mill. The mill operated from cotton picked by slaves was originally financed with profits from a Connecticut cotton mill. Join the conversation!

wachovia slavery ties


Two institutions that became part of Wachovia (Georgia Railroad and Banking Company and the Bank of Charleston) owned or accepted slaves as collateral on mortgaged property or loans. Join the conversation!

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The Reparation Hub (formely Reparation Hub Inc.) is a not-for-profit association. We offer a new web-based platform which connects the descendants of African enslaved persons with donors and people of good will for the purpose of righting a wrong via our reparation sponsorship program. If you know someone who has received reparations for slavery elsewhere please let us know.